Angelo Immediata wrote:
> Hi.
> First of all very thanks for your reply.
> I'll give a look to the java class later in this day.
> I have tried by using   
> var codiceFiscale = 
> sessionManager.getContextFragment("authentication","/authentication/USERINFORMATION/CODICE_FISCALE/text()");
> and i have:
>       codiceFiscale: 
>       [#document-fragment: null]
> Then i have tried this one:
> var codiceFiscale = 
> sessionManager.getContextFragment("authentication","/authentication/USERINFORMATION/CODICE_FISCALE/text()").getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
> and i have an error (TypeError cannot convert null to an object)
> While if i use
> var codiceFiscale = 
> sessionManager.getContextFragment("authentication","/authentication/USERINFORMATION/CODICE_FISCALE/text()").getFirstChild();
> i have null.

I just verified your xpath with oxygen xml, it is correct and should
retrieve the full node value. Even the text() directive at the end
should be fine. Sorry for the red herring :-)

Step through the getXML method to see where exactly it thinks it is
retrieving that value.


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