
On 7/27/05, Christoph Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ivan Bogouchev / Иван Богушев schrieb:


> did anyone proceed with such an integration?
> Recently I've come across a great article [1] about the integration of
> Sleepycat's BDBXML and Cocoon.

Does it have to be Sleepycat XML DB or could you also use eXist?

The major reason is that I need to access the db from both Java and C++, not at the same time though.
The second is performance. The db is 4500 documents with total size of about 500MB. I really didn't deepen into that, but when I tried eXist against it, it first rejected some of the documents and further it seemed to take too long for simple queries.

I successfully integrated eXist into cocoon and you can also access the
documents via the xmldb://-protocol. There is also a transformer (which
i never got working) but actually one does not neet this (imho).

I think that I need a transformer because I  embed the values of different queries into a template xml wich is generated by the file generator.

There are some Articles about eXist and Cocoon in the wiki, have a look:

Thanks for the links.



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