I think this ( http://wiki.exist-db.org/space/HowTos/Load+Document+Within+Cocoon
) is a very nice solution (in XSP) , which I use myself. It allows you
to upload documents, using a cocoon pipeline as input. Did anyone get
the same thing to work in xquery, by the way?


On 8/2/05, xiao liang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am integrating Cocoon 2.1.7 with eXist-snapshot-20050620 by setting
> eXist driver in xmldb pseudo protocol definition.
> Currently I am able to access any xml file in eXist by setting
> 'src="xmldb:exist///db/any_xml_file.xml"' in Cocoon pipeline. However,
> I have no idea how to upload an xml file directly into eXist by
> pipeline:
> For example, if I want to load /tmp/foo.xml, how to define my pipeline?
> <!—The process will access with 'load_file?docURI=/tmp/foo.xml'-->
> <map:pipeline>
>      <map:match pattern="load_file">
>      ???
>      </map:match>
> </map:pipeline>
> Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

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