Hi Jens,

Thank you very much for your reply. I look forward to trying out some of the new i18n features for the portal tools. It's great to know that there's something cooking :).

In the mean time, I just wondering if there is support for i18n of portal tab title and coplet titles planned? Currently, I have this i18n hacked with skin files, where for each of the titles, a key is created by skin style sheets. i.e.

<coplet-data id="CurrentUsers" name="standard">

is translated into an i18n key in window.xsl style sheet:

<td class="copletHead" valign="top">
  <xsl:when test="@title">
   <b><i18n:text><xsl:value-of select="@title"/></i18n:text></b>
   <b><i18n:text><xsl:value-of select="title"/></i18n:text></b>

Which then is translated by i18n transformer in "portal" pipe. AFAIK, this solution was suggested somewhere. I am sorry, I can find the link.

I don't think that current state of portal tools prove a good support for this particular case. Is it going to be added in the future or is there another way of internationalizing portal tab titles and coplet titles?

Thank you very much in advance.

Nick Goupinets.

Jens Maukisch wrote:

just a very short general answer to the problems with the portal
tools an i18n:

The i18n stuff in the tools does not work very well in general
and is more or less a (bad) hack that we've developed. There
were some people some time ago with similar problems, but due
to my studies and exams I haven't had time fix these.

But now the good news :-)
I'm currenly working on the Portal Tools topic and you can expect
some improvements in the near future. As the i18n-stuff is the most
buggy part I can focus on it first and provide a path as soon as it
is done.

sorry that this doesn't help you directly at the moment,
but we are aware of these problems.

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