great tutorial/writeup, thanks for this !!

Could you add it to the wiki, maybe under something like
"UnderstandingCocoonLogging" ?

Note that you could also swap the logging implementation with eg log4j,
 this would make this log4j.xconf stuff obsolete.


Boisvert, Éric wrote:
>>Would you mind explaining how it works? 
> OK.. this is what I understand of log-kit.. please correct me if I'm wrong
> ===============================
> The logkit.conf file is made of 3 sections. The first section, factories,
> defines a series of Logger class factories (factories are special classes
> that manage the creation of a logger type) . 
> For example: <factory class="org.apache.cocoon.util.log.CocoonTargetFactory"
> type="cocoon"/>
> This logger type is a special kind of logger made for cocoon that log events
> into a file. Other kind of loggers are possible. 
> What these logger types actually do are described here :
> The second section, targets, are instances of these logger types. For
> example, the 
> <cocoon id="sitemap">
>       <filename>${context-root}/WEB-INF/logs/sitemap.log</filename>
>       <format type="cocoon">
>         %7.7{priority} %{time}   [%{category}] (%{uri})
> %{thread}/%{class:short}: %{message}\n%{throwable}
>       </format>
>       <append>false</append>
>     </cocoon>
> is a specific log destination of type 'cocoon' (see the previous example
> factory) named 'sitemap'.. many instance of this kind of logger are possible
> (for example, a certain factory, like SMTPTargetFactory might create a
> logger class that sends emails to someone).    If you scan the targets
> section of the logkit.conf, you'll find the familiar list of log files
> (errors, core, sitemap,handled-errors,etc..).  In the default implementation
> of Cocoon, they are all of cocoon type.  The structure of the tags depends
> of the logger type and there are documented on the wiki page.
> The last section, "categories", are really like matchers in the sitemap.
> This sections tells what log event to catch and where the send them (in
> which target).  
> Categories are recursive, so categories can be made of other categories:
> <category log-level="WARN" name="core">
>       <!-- Startup component manager logger -->
>       <category log-level="INFO" name="startup">
>         <log-target id-ref="core"/>
>         <log-target id-ref="error"/>
>       </category>
>       ...
>       <log-target id-ref="core"/>
>       <log-target id-ref="error"/>
> </category>
> This kind of works like a matcher for log events coming from components.
> For instance, <category log-level="WARN" name="core"> will match all log
> event sent to core.*, and the embedded category <category log-level="INFO"
> name="startup"> will match all log events sent to core.startup.* (since this
> category is a sub category of 'core').  If, for instance, a log event is
> sent to core.dummy and there are no such sub category, it will be handle by
> 'core'.
> The log-target tags tells where the log event will be logged (the same event
> can be save in  ore that one file, as this example shows).  
> For example, a log event sent to core.startup will be simultaneously logged
> in core and error targets, therefore in this case, 2 differents files (which
> are both cocoon loggers types)
> The log-levels are filters to adjust the verbosity of the log.. The levels
> are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL_ERROR in this order.  The most verbose
> is DEBUG because it accepts all the other logs types as well.  WARN accepts
> them all except DEBUG, etc.. and finally FATAL_ERROR only accepts
> How does the component knows where to send the log event ??.. well, if you
> look at any sitemap, you might find declarations of components that looks
> like this:
> <map:components>
> ...
> <map:actions>
>       <map:action logger="sitemap.action.xsp-action"
>       name="xsp-action"
>       src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.ServerPagesAction"/>
> </map:actions>
> ...
> </map:components>
> The logger attribute tells that this action (xsp-action) will send the log
> event to 'sitemap.action.xsp-action'.  Looking at the logkit.conf,   you
> should find a sitemap category, and under this category another one called
> 'handled-errors'.. 
> <category log-level="INFO" name="sitemap">
>       <log-target id-ref="sitemap"/>
>       <log-target id-ref="error"/>
>       <category log-level="INFO" name="handled-errors">
>         <!-- Exceptions that will be handled by a sitemap errorhandler are
>              logged to this target. -->
>         <log-target id-ref="handled-errors"/>
>       </category>
>     </category> 
> but no action.xsp-axtion, therefore the log events are handled by the
> 'sitemap' category, which send the log events to 'sitemap' and 'error'
> targets (which are both cocoon loggers).
> How does it look in the java code ?
> The java code is quite simple.. For all Avalon components, you can use the
> getLogger() method to access the logger and then call a series of methods to
> send a log event, for example.
> getLogger().debug("hi !); 
> will send a DEBUG level log to the category define in the logger=".."
> attribute of the component.
> getLogger().warn("careful !!"); will send a WARN level log, etc..
> Now, A complete example.. how to set a new logger to debug your component.  
> 1) let's use something else that a cocoon type logger (just for fun).  In
> the logkit.conf file in the factories section, let's add a new line to
> declare a new factory (included in cocoon distribution) called a
> FileTargetFactory (it create a simple log file):
>   <factories>
>     <factory
> class="org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory.PriorityFilterTargetFactor
> y" type="priority-filter"/>
>     <factory
> class="org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory.ServletTargetFactory"
> type="servlet"/>
>     <factory class="org.apache.cocoon.util.log.CocoonTargetFactory"
> type="cocoon"/>
>     <factory
> class="org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory.LF5TargetFactory"
> type="lf5"/>
>     <factory
> class="org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory.FileTargetFactory"
> type="file"/>
>   </factories>
> The factories section should now look like the previous paragraph.  The new
> type is called 'file' 
> 2) Now let's create a target of this type in the targets section.  The
> 'file' tag says this is a logger of 'file' type (created by the
> FileTargetFactory).
>      <file id="demo">
>       <filename>${context-root}/WEB-INF/logs/demo.log</filename>
>       <format type="pattern">
>         %7.7{priority} %{time}   [%{category}]:  %{message}\n%{throwable}
>       </format>
>       <append>false</append>
>     </file>
> The tags are pretty self-explanatory, what the fields means is described
> here (
> 3) Now, at the root of the categories sections, let's create a matcher for
> our log events
> <category log-level="DEBUG" name="demo">
>       <category log-level="DEBUG" name="transformer">
>          <log-target id-ref="demo"/>
>       </category>
>       <log-target id-ref="demo"/>
>       <log-target id-ref="error"/>
>     </category>
> the first level will match all log events sent to demo.*, the second level,
> all logs sent to demo.transformer.*, etc.. 
> 4) Now we need to tell the component where to send the log events.  In the
> sitemap, 
> <map:components>
> ...
> <map:transformers default="xslt">
> <map:transformer name="MyTransformer" logger="demo.transformer"
>       src="org.cocoondev.MyShop.MyTransformer"/>
> </map:transformers>
> ...
> </map:components>
> and FINALLY !!
> You can now use the 
> getLogger().debug(...); 
> call in you java code !
> Remember that you must restart tomcat for changes in the logkit.conf to be
> applied.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : JD Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyé : 23 août, 2005 11:43
> À :
> Objet : Re: [SOLVED] logger -- I'm missing someting
> Would you mind explaining how it works? It may seem simple now, but you 
> were confused at one point - might be a good addition to the docs :)
> JD
> Boisvert, Éric wrote:
>>Eureka... The 'dumb' part was sitting on my chair.
>>I failed to see how the logger="category.subcategory..." worked.. now it
>>make sense and I can see my logs.
>>-----Message d'origine-----
>>De : "Boisvert, Éric" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Envoyé : 23 août, 2005 07:54
>>À : ''
>>Objet : logger -- I'm missing someting
>>Hi Cocooners
>>I'm trying to write a transformer (total newby here) and I'm baffled by
> the
>>loggers.. I'm trying to use the getLogger.debug("blah") but can't see
> where
>>there log entries goes.  I read document from various place about the
>>loggers and how to configure it in the logkit.conf, etc.. but there is
>>something I'm missing for sure.  I managed to create a new log file, etc..
>>but I still can see the log entries nowhere..
>>I know that the getLogger().isDebugEnabled() returns true (I wrote a small
>>primitive logger to check this out..).  The transformer derived from
>>AbstractExtractionTransformer and Implemented
>>Recyclable,Serviceable,Configurable and Disposable., I declared my
>>tranformer class in the sitemap and assigned a name to the logger (various
>>test, none worked). I suspect the problem is not here since I can actually
>>send log events, the problem is probably just a dumb configuration
> problem.
>>Has anyone a (complete) example how to set logger to debug a custom
>>Many thanks
>>Eric Boisvert
>>Spécialiste TI-GI / IT-IM specialist
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED], 418-654-3705, facsimile/télécopieur 
>>490, rue de la Couronne, Québec (Québec), G1K 9A9
>>490, rue de la Couronne, Quebec, Quebec, G1K 9A9
>>Laboratoire de cartographie numérique et de photogrammétrie (LCNP)
>>Digital Cartography and Photogrammetry Laboratory (DCPL)
>>Commission géologique du Canada (Québec) / Geological Survey of Canada
>>Ressources naturelles Canada / Natural Resources Canada
>>Gouvernement du Canada / Government of Canada
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