On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 16:26 +0200, Christoph Hermann wrote:
> Alberto Brosich schrieb:
> Hello,
> >>So, is it possible (i.e. with ldaps://-url)? Or would i have to patch
> >>the LDAPTransformer?
> > ldaps:// works with port 636 but you must import certificate of the ldap
> > server you want to connect to (with "keytool" java utility).
> Thanks for the hint! Can you also tell me in which file (keystore) i
> have to put the certs in order to work with cocoon? (started via jetty?)

My solution is:

keytool -import -file <yourcertificate> -keystore

but I don't know if it's the only solution or the best (of course works
with every java application).

If I remember correctly you need a password to write to cacerts file.
Default password is "changeit".

You find all info about keytool here:


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