Yves Vindevogel wrote:
For reasons of sessions, I have to set the path of the cookies to "/"

    You need to set the cookie path to "/" within your servlet
    container. Otherwise, for a Cocoon mounted on /cocoon the cookie
    path will be /cocoon, and the cookie will be ignored when it is
    proxied from a URL without the /cocoon. Set the cookie path to / and
    your problem will go away.

How can I do this in Tomcat 5 or is this in Cocoon ?

I actually think it _should_ be the job of whatever's doing the proxying (Apache?) to translate the cookie paths, that way cookies could work through the proxy and Tomcat could still keep cookies contained to the servlet path.

Searching around a bit, it looks like if Apache 2.1 has the ProxyPassReverseCookiePath directive for this purpose (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxypassreversecookiepath) but unfortunately 2.1 is still alpha so nobody's probably using it yet. The docs for 2.0 don't have this directive unfortunately.

Searching a bit more it looks like Tomcat as of 5.5.4 has the ability to set the path:
   "Add the ability to force session cookies to be set to the root path
   '/'. This should not be used on large servers, otherwise tons of
   cookies may be sent. (remm)"
(from http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.5-doc/changelog.html)
...but I didn't find how exactly to invoke that feature.

Sorry this probably isn't very much of a help so far; I'll keep searching around as I have time. I'm personally interested in the answer as I'm going to be using a similar setup soon.


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