Tony Collen wrote:

Hmm, it actually might not be all that easy. The RegexpURIMatcher uses the org.apache.regexp package.

Details about the syntax are at:

and it seems like you can do negation, but only with character classes (Unless I'm missing something painfully obvious)

I guess the brute force ugly way would be to subclass AbstractRegexpMatcher to return true if the RE *doesn't* match, or allow the matcher to take a parameter to tell it to use inverse logic for determining a match.

I take that back. This works:

    <map:match type="regexp" pattern="^bob$">
          <map:generate src="bob.xml"/>
          <map:serialize type="xml"/>

    <map:match type="regexp" pattern="[^b][^o][^b]">
        <map:generate src="notbob.xml"/>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>



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