Hi all,


Can anyone tell me how can we access the union widget from the flowscript?

I have created a definition file as follows:-


<fd:form xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/forms/1.0#definition"
    <!-- case widget, with _c suffix -->
    <fd:field id="student" required="true">
      <fd:datatype base="string" /> 
    <fd:union id="structStudent" case="student">
        <fd:struct id="firstname">
            <fd:field id="name">
              <fd:datatype base="string" /> 
        <fd:struct id="lastname">




The form is getting rendered correctly by giving the following code


var wid = frmView.getWidget();



It is displaying me a text box but if I want to access the firstname how will I access?

I tried accessing wid.lookupWidget(student’).firstname which it is telling undefined.

Can any one please  help me out in accessing the widget inside a structure.


Thanks an Regards,





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