I need some help. I have a multi-page form which is defined similarly to the
multipage sample. The form is a self-registration form. The user's e-mail
address is used as their user-id. The first page contains a field "email".
The page needs to validate that the email address hasn't already been
registered in the system. I want to keep the validation code separate from
the form because, in the near future, the validation process will change to
using an LDAP. 

I have been able to get javascript code to execute in a validation block in
the first page's <fd:struct>, but I don't know how to provide a bean or
anything to that validation code. I've tried just passing a string from the
flow script, but it seems I can't work with it in the model section. Here's
a snippet of the flow, followed by a snipped of the model. If anyone can
help, I'd be grateful.

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED], as I'm not sure where
responses are posted. Thanks much!


Function do_registration() {
   var bizData = new Object();
   bizData["testvar"] = "hello from registration";

<fd:form xmlns:fd="http://apache.org/cocoon/forms/1.0#definition";>
      <fd:struct id="namePage">
                print("From varname: " + ${testvar});
                return true;

      <fd:field id="email" required="true">
        <fd:datatype base="string">

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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