Hi everybody,

When working with the i18n, I had to disable caching for it. Right away I run into a trouble with showing updated catalogue keys after cocoon cache gets refreshed. Here is the log error:

INFO    (2005-09-09) 17:25.37:158
http-8080-Processor25/XMLResourceBundle: Resource
update failed. messages, locale: sv Exception:
org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource
not found.:
doesn't exist.

The file path end with an extra ":" at the end. Thus it can't be resolved, as there is no "messages_sv.xml:" ("messages_sv.xml" is there though). I added a quick hack to the XMLResourceBundleFactory class in getCacheKey method so that ":" is appended only if length of directories array is greater than one. This seemed to eliminate the "Resource update failed." problem.

Has anyone experienced similar problems? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Nick Goupinets.

P.S. My set up is
Java 1.4
Cocoon 2.1.7
Tomcat 5.0.27
Fedora Core 3

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