Hello List,

is it possible to use variables in a sitemap?

I m using a flow script and want to pass informations by parameters to the
script. Since I ve many pipelines using party the same informations I dont
want to have to write this informations (directoty locations) more than once
in the pipeline.

    <map:match pattern="Print/*/*/*.*">
      <map:call function="makepdf">
        <map:parameter name="folder" value="c:/temp"/>
        <map:parameter name="file" value="{3}"/>
        <map:parameter name="extention" value=".{4}"/>
        <map:parameter name="customer" value="{1}"/>
        <map:parameter name="stylesheet" value="{2}"/>
        <map:parameter name="copy-to-print-path" value="true"/>

In this code I ve a parameter called folder with the value "c:/temp" What I
want is to define the value somewhere else.
        <map:parameter name="folder" value="{myfolder}"/>
Where and how do I have to define the var myfodler? 

A Second question is, if it possible to pass the information where in the
directoy hirarchy the sitemap is located?
like if I have a pipeline matching index.html, I want to get the value

If yes, how :)


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