Sandor Spruit wrote:

> Right now, my biggest problem is that the Paginator seems to assume 
> request URIs of the pattern "page(#)" - where # is the page number. I
> had overlooked the "page(#)" pattern in the Howto.

maybe you could xsl the page() part into a request parameter path and
match this in your sitemap, sounds hacky though...

ie (from the example)
<images xmlns:page="";>
  <image />
  <image />
  <image />
                  transform this into ?page=1
     clean-uri="/cocoon/samples/paginator/page" />

> Paginator generates links to other pages by searching for the current
>  page number in the URI and replace the (#) with another number. My
> pipeline is triggered by a URI containing a continuation, so the
> paginator finds the current page number in the URI, as part of this
> large integer (sigh). The problems occur when the integer is the
> final digit in my continuation, because the Paginator tries to 
> replace (<number>) while the final ")" is obviously beyond the length
> of the String.

I suggest you log an issue in bugzilla together with your testcase,
maybe the Paginator just needs a bit more shielding as to what it should
search for.


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