
I'm getting error if we use V3 API in my code?
That's why i tried using V2 API, b'cos found something in Cocoon-2.1.7

I'm getting the following error while accessing widget value/setting

"The undefined value has no properties."

wid.number1.value = 1; // error while accessing widget value

wid.number1.onChange = function(oldValue, newValue) { // error while
setting onChange
   print("number1 changed from " + oldValue + " to " + newValue);

My flow script code: -

function test() {
   var form = new Form("forms/test-def.xml");
   var wid = frm.getWidget();
   wid.number1.value = 1;

   wid.number1.onChange = function(oldValue, newValue) {
    print("number1 changed from " + oldValue + " to " + newValue);

Definition file:-

<fd:form xmlns:fd="http://apache.org/cocoon/forms/1.0#definition";>
    <fd:field id="number1" required="true">
       <fd:label>Please enter a number</fd:label>
       <fd:datatype base="string"/>

Template file : -
<html xmlns:ft="http://apache.org/cocoon/forms/1.0#template";
<ft:form-template action="#{$cocoon/continuation/id}.continue"
  <ft:widget id="number1">
    <fi:styling submit-on-change="true"/>

Anyone have idea on the same, please help me out.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Lundquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 4:07 AM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: onChange event handler not working in cocoon-2.1.7

On Sep 29, 2005, at 1:01 PM, Jason Johnston wrote:

>> We are using following resource in cocoon- ...
>> cocoon.load("resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/javascript/v3/
>> Form.
>> js");
> Why did you switch flow APIs from v3 to v2?

it looks like his switch was _to_ v3?...

>   The APIs have many
> differences, so it's not surprising they're behaving differently.  I'm
> not
> familiar with anything but v1, but a cursory glance at the javadocs 
> tells
> me v2 doesn't support the .onChange shortcut.

It does, actually... and so does v3.  See their respective versions of 
ScriptableWidget.  I don't think you can tell from the Javadoc for the 
v2 implementation, although for v3 I believe it would tell you...


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