Geert Josten wrote:
> Was does work is the use of the extension in calls to
> xsl:apply-templates, but that is not what I want. It will help iff
> you want to apply a template to one specific XPath. What I need is
> to copy the entire XML tree using a regular xsl:copy, with some
> extra highlighting tags inserted for the XPath.

 You might want to take a look at the HighlightingTransformer that has
 been donated only a week or two ago. Look for messages with that name
 in the cocoon-dev mailinglist.

Duh. Somebody beat me to it! :(

 Though, I think it marks keywords, not element matching a specific

That might be a useful extension though ... :)

 By the way, I think you approach of generating a XSL to achieve the
 highlighting is not bad at all, quite powerful even. I have been
 using the approach on many fields allready. Mostly for template
 mechanisms (when jxgenerator wasn't yet around).

Thanks - I needed that. Deadline approaching ;)

 In your case performance might be an issue though. When the Xpaths
 vary a lot, a new XSL has to be generated, compiled and cached each
 time. :-(

Well, performance has been pretty good so far. In fact, excellent. Maybe
it won't be so bad....


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