I have not found a solution for this problem yet. Could anyone please
help me a step further?

Thanks in advance.


2005/10/5, Antonio Fiol Bonnín <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
>  Thank you for replying.
>  I'm using POST.
>  The template for A is:
>  ...
>      <ft:form-template
> action="#{$continuation/id}.continue" method="POST">
>        <div class="ficha">
>          <ft:widget id="delrestaurante"/>
>            <ft:widget id="nuevo"/>
>          <input type="submit" value="GUARDAR cambios" style="font-weight:
> bold;"/>
>  ...
>  The template for B (if that matters):
>  ...
>      <ft:form-template
> action="#{$continuation/id}.continue" method="POST">
>          <h2><ft:widget-label id="nombre"/></h2>
>          <p><ft:widget id="nombre"/></p>
>  ...
>  I am not using any parameters on the URL query string.
> 2005/10/4, Sylvain Wallez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I am having strange problems (described below) when hitting the
> > > "reload" button on my browser when displaying form B in scenario
> > > described below. Could anyone please help me understand why?
> > >
> > > I am using a 2-form approach to editing an XML file, one for a first
> > > level view and a deeper detail editing view.
> > >
> > > Form "A" only contains a repeater with a "nombre" widget for each row,
> > > plus all the necessary widgets for deleting selected rows.
> > > It also has a submit called "nuevo" (=Add new, see below for js code
> > > managing it), a standard HTML submit button, and an edit submit button
> > > on each row.
> > >
> > > Example:
> > > [Delete selected] [Add new] [Save changes]
> > > [X] [Edit] Name1
> > > [X] [Edit] Name2
> > > [X] [Edit] Name3
> > > [X] [Edit] Name4
> > >
> > > Form "B" is bound to the same XML file, but with more fields and
> > > attributes mapped to form widgets, but it only maps a certain part of
> > > the XML.
> > >
> > > Example:
> > > Name: [Name1]
> > > E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> > > [Save changes]
> > >
> > > So the binding for B is dynamically generated by a pipeline.
> > >
> > > The flow should be
> > > A->B->A if "Edit" or "Add new" are used.
> > > A->A if "delete selected" or "save changes" are used.
> > >
> > > function editarRestaurantes() {
> > >     // Keep important things in vars, as they will be lost from
> > > cocoon.parameters
> > >     var formDefinitionA = cocoon.parameters["form-definition-a"];
> > >     var formDefinitionB = cocoon.parameters["form-definition-b"];
> > >     var bindingURIA = cocoon.parameters["bindingURI-a"];
> > >     var bindingURIBPrefix = cocoon.parameters["bindingURI-b-prefix"];
> > >     var saveURI = cocoon.parameters.saveURI;
> > >     var saveXSLT = cocoon.parameters.saveXSLT;
> > >     var displayPipelineLista = cocoon.parameters["displayPipeline-a"];
> > >     var displayPipelineFicha = cocoon.parameters["displayPipeline-b"];
> > >
> > >     var formLista = null;
> > >     var formFicha = null;
> > >     var formB = null;
> > >
> > >     var datos = leerDatos(cocoon.parameters.loadURI); // Read the XML
> > > file and store into "datos"
> > >
> > >     formLista = createForm(formDefinitionA, bindingURIA, datos);
> > >
> > >     while(true) {
> > >
> > >          // display form A
> > >          formLista.showForm(displayPipelineLista);
> > >
> > > // *********************************
> > > // If I hit reload when form B is displayed, execution is resumed
> > > here, but formLista is undefined
> > > // Why is it "null"? Shouldn't it be restored to the previous value
> > > because of my hitting "Reload".
> > > // *********************************
> > >
> > >         var submitWidget = formLista.getWidget().getSubmitWidget();
> > >         var idRestaurante = "";
> > >
> > >         // Did the user not click the "Save changes" button?
> > >         if(submitWidget!=null) {
> > >             cocoon.log.info(submitWidget);
> > >             // Did the user click "Add new"?
> > >             if(submitWidget.id=="nuevo") {
> > >                 // To add a new record, we ask the repeater to do so.
> > >                 var repeater =
> > > submitWidget.parent.lookupWidget('restaurantes');
> > >                 repeater.addRow();
> > >                 // New record is last, so get the repeater size
> > >                 idRestaurante = repeater.size;
> > >             } else {
> > >                 // Clicked "Edit", ... which row?
> > >                 idRestaurante =
> > > submitWidget.getParent().lookupWidget('id').value;
> > >             }
> > >             formLista.save(datos);
> > >             formLista = null;
> > >
> > >             // Prepare form B, using the ID for the new or edited record
> > >             formFicha = createForm(formDefinitionB,
> > > bindingURIBPrefix+idRestaurante, datos);
> > >
> > > // ***********************
> > > // Form B is displayed on next line
> > > // ***********************
> > >
> > >             formFicha.showForm(displayPipelineFicha);
> > >             formFicha.save(datos);
> > >             formFicha = null;
> > >
> > >             formLista = createForm(formDefinitionA, bindingURIA, datos);
> > >         } else {
> > >             formLista.save(datos);
> > >         }
> > >         grabarDatos(saveURI, saveURI+".tmp", saveXSLT, datos);
> > >
> > >     }
> > > }
> > >
> > > function createForm(definition, binding, datos) {
> > >     var form = new Form(definition);
> > >     if (binding != null) {
> > >         form.createBinding(binding);
> > >     }
> > >     form.load(datos);
> > >     return form;
> > > }
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thank you very much for any hint, and sorry for the long e-mail. I
> > > tried hard to make it shortest possible.
> >
> >
> > Do you use GET or POST methods in form A?
> >
> > If you use GET, you display form B with a URL of the type
> > "page?continuation-id=contForA", which will be mixed with
> the hidden
> > "continuation-id" parameter in the form. Which one is sent first in the
> > request is browser-dependent, and it may be the case that posting puts
> > first the hidden field first whereas reloading just sends the
> > continuation for formA which is in the URL.

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