
I've switched logging in my cocoon 2.1.7 app to log4j with the help of
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.Log4JLoggerManager in web.xml.

I would like to put request uri in my PatternLayout, is there a way to
do it?

Now I have pattern: %d{ISO8601} %p [%c] - %m%n

And I get in my logs:
2005-10-11 11:46:26,227 ERROR [sitemap.handled-errors] - Not found

I would like something like:
2005-10-11 11:46:26,227 ERROR [sitemap.handled-errors] - (/foo/bla) Not

Create a component that implements the o.a.c.RequestListener interface.
In its methods you can set set/remove the log4j diagnostic context with

Worked for me, thanks!

Wojciech Gdela.

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