Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Derek Hohls wrote:

This should be simple, but I am struggling:
I try to pass: matchname?sort=foo to a generated page: <jx:set name="field">${cocoon.request.getParameter('sort')}</jx:set>
but simply get an empty tag for "temp". More... I have this logic <jx:choose>
     <jx:when test="${field != ''}">DO A<jx:when>
    <jx:otherwise>DO B</jx:otherwise>
and this always shows up as "DO A" ?? I have also tried )without success):
What is the correct syntax and why does the jx:choose fail?

Have you tried ${request.getParameter('sort')}?

Second guess ;-)

<jx:set var="field" value="${cocoon.request.getParameter('sort')"/>

should work.

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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