Thanks - is there some documentation or hints on how
I go about doing these things  -
a. "using the _javascript_ debugger"
b. "setting breakpoints"
c.  inspecting variable values?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005/10/20 06:52:36 AM >>>

You should use the _javascript_ debugger you enable in the first lines of

Then you can set breakpoint in your main function and go step by step to
inspect variable values.


Derek Hohls a écrit :
> I am looking for help getting a simple DB app up-and-running
> using flowscript. I have based my approach on the PetStore example,
> but there is a *lot* of complexity in there I am trying to avoid.
> I have created two "stripped down" flowscript files, along with
> the required forms.
> The sitemap calls, and so on, are as per the PetStore example.
> I have also created an "indicators" database, with a simple table
> called "foo", with "fooid" "foodesc" and "webpage" as text fields.
> What I have is:
> dbtest.js
> //=================================
> cocoon.load("resource://org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/_javascript_/Database.js");
> cocoon.load("resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/_javascript_/Form.js");
> cocoon.load("context://projects/inddb/script/foo.js");
> //const
> var MAX_RESULTS = 5;
> var VIEW = "jexl";
> var EXT = ".jexl";
> //vars
> var indDatabase = null;
> var fooForm = null;
> //startup
> function main(funName) {
> var fun = this[funName];
> var args = new Array(arguments.length -1);
> for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
> args[i-1] = arguments[i];
> }
> getIndDB();
> fun.apply(args);
> }
> // Index page
> function index() {
> EXT = ".jexl";
> getIndDB();
> cocoon.sendPage("view/index" + EXT, {
> fooForm: fooForm
> });
> }
> //IndDB
> function getIndDB() {
> if (indDatabase == null) {
> this.indDatabase = new IndDB("hsql");
> this.fooForm = new FooForm();
> }
> return indDatabase;
> }
> //why here? gives errors if in foo.js ???
> function FooForm() {
> this.fooid = "";
> this.foodesc = "";
> this.webpage = "";
> }
> function IndDB(poolId) {
> this.poolId = poolId;
> this.hsql = null;
> //this.populate(); adds data to virtual db
> }
> IndDB.prototype.getConnection = function(id) {
> if (true) {
> // temporary hack to avoid requiring datasource config in cocoon.xconf
> java.lang.Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
> var jdbc = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/indicators", "me", "mypassword")
> var conn = new Database(jdbc);
> if (this.hsql == null) {
> // keep hsql in-memory database alive
> this.hsql = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/indicators", "me", "mypassword");
> }
> return conn;
> } else {
> // lookup datasource in cocoon.xconf
> return Database.getConnection(id);
> }
> }
> IndDB.prototype.testDuplicateFoo = function(fooid) {
> var conn = this.getConnection(this.poolId);
> var rs = conn.query("select count(*) as ROWCOUNT from foo where fooid = ?", [fooid]);
> var result = rs.rows[0].ROWCOUNT;
> conn.close();
> return new Number(result);
> }
> //=================================
> and then in foo.js
> //=================================
> IndDB.prototype.getFoo = function(fooid) {
> var conn = this.getConnection(this.poolId);
> var result = conn.query("select * from foo where fooid = ?", [fooid]);
> var record = result.rows[0];
> conn.close();
> return record;
> }
> IndDB.prototype.insertFoo = function(model) {
> var conn = this.getConnection(this.poolId);
> conn.update("INSERT INTO foo (fooid, foodesc, webpage) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [model.fooid, model.foodesc, model.webpage]);
> conn.close();
> }
> IndDB.prototype.updateFoo = function(model) {
> var conn = this.getConnection(this.poolId);
> conn.update("UPDATE foo SET fooid = ? , foodesc = ? , webpage = ? ", [model.fooid, model.foodesc, model.webpage]);
> conn.close();
> }
> function Foo() {
> this.fooid = "";
> this.foodesc = "";
> this.webpage = "";
> }
> function editFoo() {
> editFooData();
> cocoon.sendPage("db/foos");
> }
> function newFoo() {
> newFooData();
> cocoon.sendPage("db/foos");
> }
> function editFooData() {
> var editFooDataForm = new Form("view/forms/editFooForm_d.xml");
> var model = editFooDataForm.getModel();
> model.message = "";
> model.fooid = fooForm.fooid;
> model.foodesc = fooForm.foodesc;
> model.webpage = fooForm.webpage;
> editFooDataForm.showForm("view/editFooForm.cforms");
> = getindDB().getFoo(fooForm.fooid);
> }
> function newFooData() {
> var newFooDataForm = new Form("view/forms/editFooForm_d.xml");
> var model = newFooDataForm.getModel();
> model.message = "";
> newFooDataForm.showForm("view/editFooForm.cforms");
> while (getIndDB().testDuplicateFoo(model.fooid) > 0) {
> model.message = "ID is already in use. Please choose another Foo ID.";
> newFootDataForm.showForm("view/newFooForm.cforms");
> }
> fooForm = new FooForm(model.fooid);
> = new Foo();
> editFooData();
> }
> //=================================
> When I call editFoo?fooid=xyz I get
> An Error Occurred
> The undefined value has no properties.
> org.apache.avalon.framework.CascadingRuntimeException:
> The undefined value has no properties.
> cause: ConversionError: The undefined value has no properties.
> (file:/D:/tomcat/webapps/cocoon/projects/inddb/script/dbtest.js; line 28)
> (N.B. Line 28 is the "fun.apply(args);" call in the dbtest..js)
> Any help with how to go about debugging this is appreciated,
> along with some critical comment on perhaps streamlining the
> above approach - I also need to add a "deleteFoo()" function
> and some tips on how to write this would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Derek


Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
Directeur associé

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