Something like 

<map:match pattern="**">
        <map:select type="resource-exists">
          <map:when test="{1}/sitemap.xmap">
                <map:mount src="{1}" uri-prefix="whatever"/>
              <map:generate type="directory" src="{1}"/>
            <map:transform src="directory2html.xslt"/>
            <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

should work,


> what's the right way to implement the following:
>   if the request is a directory
>     if the directory has no sitemap
>       create a simple directory listing like so:
>          <map:generate type="directory" src="{theDirectory}"/>
>          <map:transform src="directory2html.xslt"/>
>          <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
>     otherwise
>       call the requests sitemap.xmap
>     end
>   end
> as you can see, i need help with three things - defining the source,
> defining the match, and putting the match in the right place relative
> to all the other matches. any solutions|examples for this kind of
> thing?
> --
> _jason
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