What are the licenses for any third party packages?

Michael Wirz wrote:

Thank you for your interest, I'd really like to contribute.

In fact, it is just one source file -- i embedded a more generic
helper class (doing some asynchronuous input/output stream stuff)
as an inner class to keep things simple.

Could you point me to the wiki or the "scratchpad of cocoon"?
I have been using cocoon for quite a while now but I do not yet
know the development setup of the cocoon project -- although
I am really interested...

Thank you,

Yes, I am interested. Maybe you can put it on the scratchpad of
Cocoon? (don't ask me how!)
Or, if it's one source file as I imagine, you could start by posting
it to the wiki, on a new page.

This would allow people to use it with existing versions of Cocoon,
and if there's enough interest we might move it to the main codebase.


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