Not the answer that you are looking for, but it may help.

I had the same problem and solved it by putting my users in a database and adapting the "Easy SQL database access" <http://localhost:8888/samples/blocks/forms/sql/> sample in Cocoon 2.1.8 samples/blocks/forms/

Peter Sparkes

Dear community,

I'm have a problem with making a form for editing an XML file using cform.
We have an XML file called users.xml which looks like this:
 <user id=1>
 <user id=2>

I succeeded in making an editable tabel, using de repeater widgets etc. But
what I want is making a form for editing one single user at the time / in
one screen..
Therefore I changed de model, template and binding XML file (removing
repeater items).
The probleem now is that always the user with id=1 is being loaded
(updating this one works fine by the way).
How can we load a user tag voor a specific user id, which value is in a
request Parameter ( ../user.flow?userid=2 )?

Wim Mosman

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