Le 12 déc. 05, à 22:46, David Legg a écrit :

...I'm trying to structure a project in a Brick-like manner (http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/BricksCms) but struggling with how to incorporate the project specific jar files in a way that makes sense.
I noticed that some jar files have been placed in the following layout: -
  <project-dir> / lib / ** / *.jar     (e.g. lib/hivemind/* or lib/commons/* )
But when I adopt a similar strategy 'ant webapp' or 'ant run' fail to copy them to <project-dir> / build / cocoon / webapp / WEB-INF / lib as I would have expected and hence some of my project files fail to compile...

Hmm...they should be copied, that's how the bricks build does it, all jars under lib should be included in the classpath and copied to the output.

You should try to run the build with -v to see exactly what's happening, ant will show you all the classpaths and details when you do this.

 ...Also what if the release of Cocoon I'm using has an old version of a jar file and my project absolutely requires the latest version.  Should anything I put into the project lib directory override the Cocoon release version?...

As is, it doesn't, I think you'll get a mix of versions if you do this. If you want to replace Cocoon jars I think you'll have to maintain lists of files to remove, or bug us to upgrade the jars in the distribution.


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