This is my first encounter with Lucene. I am trying to integrate it with Cocoon. From what I read so far I prefer the approach with LuceneIndexTransformer. Here is where I need some assistance. >From what I understand, the transformer creates the index from .xml files with proper Lucene annotations. I also read that the transformer not only creates the index, but also transforms the file to an xml result format, containing data about the indexed documents.

For searching I want to use SearchGenerator. It says that I'm searching the index. Now why do I need the xml result from the LuceneIndexTransformer if I'm searching the index.


So you see, I am kind of confused. If someone could please explain the concept (focused on LuceneIndexTransformer - SearchGenerator pair) for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Risking to sound stupid, I want to add that all the pages from my web application contain dynamic data collected from a DB. I hope they can be indexed.


Thank you in advance!

