
Is it possible (or impossible) to set the cookie domain at the time (or after) the cookie creation? I use Portal block, thus Auth-framework, and i'd like to set the domain to ".mydomain.com" instead of "www.mydomain.com" for subdomain issues (to be able to keep the session with subdomains pointing to the same application context). By default the Domain is null and the browser is setting it with the full domain name.

addCookie() in Response.java or HttpResponse.java are not used when i sign in, I tried to change org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpCookie, but clearly this is no way to do this there. Missing some java/servlets knowledge !

public final class HttpCookie
implements Cookie {

  private javax.servlet.http.Cookie cookie;

  public HttpCookie(String name, String value) {
      this.cookie = new javax.servlet.http.Cookie(name, value);
  public HttpCookie(javax.servlet.http.Cookie cookie) {
      this.cookie = cookie;



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