> Hi,
> I don't know much about ojb. But are you suggesting a usage like this:
> http://www.guschtel.de/HP5/linux/ojbjdo_dmton.php

indeed, except that the example is a little hard/large for a first time use. 
Look for BrickCMS (heard there was even an easier example but forgot its name, 
it is in the mail thread of my previous mail)

> If yes, I don't see where the benefit of cocoon lies anymore. 

Think I lost you here...you still use the binding/template/cforms stuff from 

> My aim is to
> simply the whole process from data retrieval to display. I 
> don't have much 
> data to return to the database maybe just an id and 2 or 3 
> strings. 

If it is a really trivial form, then why use Cforms/binding at all! If I use 
binding/cforms and want to store in a database, even for 1 single field, I 
recommend ojb. 

>The tables don't change often and the rewriting of a sql 
> statement is ok with
> me.
> What I want to do is work on an xml file with cform and the 
> send the xml
> back with updated values to the database.
> For more clearity I put the src here: 
> http://www.geocities.com/mkdir2/app.zip

I am to busy at the moment to look through your code, perhaps this weekend. If 
I have time, I will mail you a most basic zip including the entire round-trip 
with ojb

> Maybe there is some other way? 
> Cheers,
> Pete


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