After further testing, it appears that :

 <map:parameter name="userid"  value="{session-attr:userID}"/>

only works when it called on OUTSIDE of authenticated

i.e. it is NOT accessible in this situation:

  <map:act type="auth-protect">
    <map:parameter name="handler" value="ind-handler"/>    

    <map:match pattern="db/test-*">
      <map:generate src="docs/blank.xml"/>
      <map:transform src="stylesheets/page2html.xsl">
        <map:parameter name="userid" value="{session-attr:userID}"/>
    <map:serialize type="html"/>        

So; the question becomes how to access session attribute
data inside of a protected pipeline (bearing in mind the
user ID is needed to "get into" the pipeline in the first place!)


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2006/01/18 05:02:04 PM >>>

> function main {
>   var thisUser = cocoon.parameters["userid"];
>   var thisTest = cocoon.parameters["test"];
> ...
> }

I pondered about this some time and the only thing I could think of is: 
case-sensitivity. And 
indeed, in the sitemap you are talking about userID and in the flowscript about 
userid. Does that 
help? I can't really imagine that it is a bug in the way parameters are handled 
by flowscript..

Kind regards,

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