Not sure I like the maximised pop-up screen that
happens when you do a search (using the icon).
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2006/02/07 12:26 PM >>> Hi!
This is a Fingerprint portal Auth and Check in/out system writing by Cocoon 2.1.8 user:demo pass:demo can login without fingerprint. It tested ok with Digital Persona U.Are.U 4000 fingerprint Device. now part of words are chinese, and i18n for english(en), chinese(zh_TW/zh_CN) are ok. Full i18n version (with english, chinese, japanese also french) will release soon. please give us advice. Best Regards johnson -- This message is subject to the CSIR's copyright, terms and conditions and e-mail legal notice. Views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the CSIR. CSIR E-mail Legal Notice CSIR Copyright, Terms and Conditions For electronic copies of the CSIR Copyright, Terms and Conditions and the CSIR Legal Notice send a blank message with "REQUEST LEGAL" in the subject line to CSIR HelpDesk
- Re: A Fingerprint system writing by Cocoon Derek Hohls