On 2/7/06, Andrew Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another possibility - I just checked the XML features in
> Netbeans and that
> can run XSL Transformations.  Free download from
> http://www.netbeans.org/downloads/index.html
> No doubt there's an equivalent Eclipse plugin too.

Great, thanks :)

> >That is, I need to write the transform document, and run it
> > from the shell?
> Yes, with something like
> java -jar dir/saxon.jar [options] source-document stylesheet
> [params…]
> See http://saxon.sourceforge.net/saxon6.5.2/using-xsl.html

Great, thanks :)

I have some research to do. Thanks, Andrew, for pointing me in the
right direction(s).  I like the idea of using saxon, but, at the same
time, I should be pragmatic, perhaps, and pick a tool with a shorter
learning curve.
