I don't remember well, there should be cocoon.request.getServerName, and if you don't find for context and sitemapUri simply pass it as parameter from sitemap where it easy to get these values.. For your redirection try cocoon.redirectTo("http://www.google.com";, true) to make an external redirect.


Brian Maddy wrote:
Does anyone know how to get your base URI from within flowscript?

I am trying to do a cocoon.redirectTo("somePage"), but it seems to be redirecting to the root directory of my webapp. I figure I could do something like:
cocoon.redirectTo("/" + base_uri + "somePage");

Additionally, the following line should work shouldn't it? cocoon.redirectTo("http://www.google.com";);
It gives me this error:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "meta" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</meta>".
Any ideas?


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