sorry for the noise, rereading your post, I think i replied too short.

you have to include the avalon jars in your build path. this is hast to be done in your ide and in your build file. so search for configure build path in your ide, adapt my build.xml to your ant script, or use the classpath argument of the javac to reference to the avalong jar (in /WEB-INF/lib, that's right). usually you can't just unzip a jar and take one class file out, much too much dependencies :-)

hth better :-),

Thomas Lutz wrote:
this is a part of my build file which should fit your needs, too. (it's a bit too much, as i use javaflow, just comment the not needed jars)

<javac srcdir="${src.server.war.dir}" destdir="${build.server.war.ant.dir}" debug="on">
               <path refid="build.path"/>
<pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/avalon-framework-api-4.3.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/avalon-framework-impl-4.3.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/avalon-logkit-2.1.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/excalibur-datasource-2.1.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/excalibur-pool-api-2.1.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/cocoon-javaflow-block.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/cocoon-2.1.8.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/cocoon/commons-lang-2.1.jar"/>


zulhisham abu nawar wrote:
now i'm in process to get hibernate and cocoon run together...i found
some documentation at wiki. I try to follow cocoon and hibernate
tutorial. I've problem when i try to compile

the errors:
javac package
org.apache.avalon.framework.component does not exist
import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
                                             ^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class Component
location: interface org.test.PersistenceFactory
public interface PersistenceFactory extends Component {
                                            ^ package net.sf.hibernate does not exist
        public net.sf.hibernate.Session createSession();
3 errors

>From the errors, it look like avalon package not exist in my
directory. Then i look into /WEB-INF/classes and don't have folder for
avalon. So my question is where the imported avalon classess from
(from lib or /classes/avalon...). Cause no sure what im doing, i try
to extarct avalon-framework-api-4.3.jar and put it in
/classes/org/avalon and so. But i still got the same errors

any ideas??

cocoon 2.1.8
tomcat 5.0.28
hibernate 3.1

::)- mister ijoi

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