Hi Myriam,
the fd:on-value-changed is a SERVER SIDE event handler. So it's
triggered when the form is submitted by the browser. You can force the
browser to submit the form whenever a given widget value is changed
using the <fi:styling submit-on-change="true"/> in the form template (it
should do this automatically if there is a listener, but since it's not
working in your case you can make it explicit).
Note that this will trigger a page reload every time the value of the
widget is changed by the user, which can be annoying if used in many
places; to solve this you may try ajax.
If you want a certain CLIENT SIDE javascript get called when the value
of a widget changes, you can specify <fi:styling
onchange="myJavascriptFunction()"/>. The loading of the client side
javascript must be handled with your site specific XSL.
Hope this helps,
Simone Gianni
Myriam Delperier wrote:
| | even if i change the value of my list, nothing is printed and the
| | value of the other list isn't changed.
| | I think the javascript isn't read.
| |
in fact the print is done once the form is submited,
is it normal?
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