For the life of me, I can't figure out how to translate the i18n error
messages for required fields...  I did find this thread that reports a
bug that should be fixed by now (I'm on Cocoon 2.1.8):

Can anyone confirm that this was indeed fixed?

If so, then I suppose it's most likely a problem with my sitemap.  I've
tried various permutations of the following with no luck:

<map:match pattern="forms/view/*.jx">
    <map:generate type="jx" src="forms/view/{1}.xml" label="content1">
     <map:parameter name="locale" value="{flow-attribute:locale}"/>
    <map:transform type="browser-update"/>
    <map:call resource="simple-page2html">
     <map:parameter name="file" value="forms/view/{1}.xml"/>
    <map:transform src="context://stylesheets/forms-styling.xsl"/>
    <map:transform type="i18n">
     <map:parameter name="locale" value="{flow-attribute:locale}"/>
    <map:select type="ajax-request">
     <map:when test="true">
      <map:serialize type="xml"/>
      <map:serialize type="html"/>

Anything obvious there?


Bill Bruyn
Senior Programmer/Analyst

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