Le 21 févr. 06 à 06:01, Bruyn Bill a écrit :

For various reasons, I need to retrieve some markup from a remote resource, and insert my jx result inline....

As mentioned on this thread, you can either

a) use map:aggregate to combine this remote resource with your data, and "move" it to the right place with a downstream XSLT transform


b) use cinclude to call another pipeline which gets your remote data and inserts it directly in the right place.

The end result will be pretty much be same, but the advantage for b) is that you can compute the URL to be included based on the other data.

...BTW, the cinclude is really very slow... Is this the recommended method, or am I barking up the wrong tree here?

Although I haven't precisely measured it, I don't think cinclude by itself is slow, it's just an inclusion of SAX events.

If you're getting bad performance, you should first test your "remote resource" pipeline for speed, or maybe look at what happens downstream after the CInclude: if the inclusion causes a big document to be generated, it might be your downstream transforms which run slower.


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