Mmmmmmno.  I don't think so, anyway...
//don't know what this would do except get me the continuation (which is not 
where I want it).
var kont = cocoon.sendPageAndWait( data );

//which I need for this method
var output = client.renderForm ( + ".kont" );

//but then what?  i still need to stream the result to the client, so
cocoon.sendPage("result.pdf", {pdf: output.getOutputContent()});

//and then when the 'pdf form' gets submitted, execution resumes after 'var 
kont='? - I don't want that.

I was experimenting with something similar previously, where I created a 
bookmark (cocoon.createWebContinuation), posted back to that, and tested for 
some arbitrary request parameter - seemed kinda clunky though, and I had 
problems re-rendering the pdf form when the back button was used.
What problem/s do you see with the approach I outlined here originally?  Seems 
clean enough to me (though I haven't gotten to try it yet)...

From: Leszek Gawron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 3/4/2006 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [FLOW] sendPageAndWait continuation storage

Bruyn Bill wrote:
> Actually, I started that way.  The problem I have is that 
> theFunctionBehindFormsServerFlow needs the continuation id created by 
> sendPageAndWait, before it sends the page.  So
> function otherFunction( dom ) {
>         //var data = processMyDom( dom );
>         //cocoon.sendPageAndWait( data );
>         //looks more like
>         var output = client.renderForm(
>              //a bunch of parameters +
>              continuationID + ".kont",
>          );
>         //and then i serialize a byte array obtained from the response.       
>         cocoon.sendPage("result.pdf", {pdf: output.getOutputContent()});
> }

what about:

var kont = cocoon.sendPageAndWait( data );

var output = client.renderForm ( + ".kont" );


Leszek Gawron                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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