On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 17:05 +0000, Stewart, Gary wrote:
> > I havn't ever tried it, but you can add the tabindex 
> > attribute just like
> > any other, for example:
> > 
> > <ft:widget id="abc">
> >   <fi:styling tabindex="5"/>
> > </ft:widget>
> > 
> > The stylesheets simply copy over all the attributes they don't
> > understand to the target input element.
> > 
> > There's also a shorter way of writing this, if you don't have 
> > any nested
> > elements in fi:styling (which is usually the case):
> > 
> > <ft:widget id="abc" fi:tabindex="5"/>
> That looks like a good way to go about it; thanks. Gave it a go and it looks 
> like it is working fine on the forms (though it might be a little tedious to 
> change when I make changes to forms I might create a stylesheet to automate 
> adding the attributes to widgets; I can post it when I've done it and if 
> anyone else is interested. 
> However I'd still like to know how I can get access to the cocoon
> resource link since I was also looking at changing the HTMLArea (and
> possibly replacing it with Xinha). 

The resources can be found in:


What you can do is copy that directory to your own project, and change
the forms resource matcher in your sitemap to read the resources from
the new location. Then you can easily adjust them and try out the
changes (for client-side resources such as javascript, don't forget that
the browser caches these).

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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