fyi: after some debugging I found out that Tomcat5 always adds a trailing slash to the URL if the URL matches to the directory structure; so if in your cocoon webapp you have an URL matcher for "abc" and also in the webapp a "abc"-directory then Tomcat will automatically add the "/" to it; if the "abc"-dir doesn't exist it doesn't add the "/"
so this means that Tomcat5 will first check with the filesystem before it does it's servlet-mapping to the CocoonServlet. Regards, Gunter D'Hondt Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/02/2006 14:06 Please respond to To cc Subject Re: Tomcat5.5 and trailing slash on URL Le 6 févr. 06, à 13:50, Gunter D'Hondt a écrit : > ...we are both > facing the same problem (so it's not related to my old cocoon version) > and > it isn't related to the code (since Markus is using the cocoon samples) > but we can both almost for sure say that it has something to do with > the > core of Cocoon?.. I don't have time to help directly ATM, but here's a suggestion: To locate the precise cause of the problem, the best would be IMHO to start tomcat with remote debugging active, connect with a Java debugger and set a breakpoint in the CocoonServlet.service(...) method. You can then examine the HttpServletRequest object provided by tomcat and see how the path looks there. If you're not comfortable with Java debuggers, you could also hack the CocoonServlet to add all kinds of System.err.println at the beginning of that method. If (as I suspect) the path is already wrong there, having a precise diagnostic like that would allow you to ask the Tomcat guys if they know what could be causing the problem. -Bertrand --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]