> We have a form that has several fields that are enabled/disabled through
> on-change events in the form. This works fine, and with Ajax too...
> We also have validation which includes a list of "validation-errors"
> which displays all errors in the form at the top of the form (in this
> case).
> The markup works as expected when Ajax is NOT enabled (including the list
> of errors at the top of the screen). However, with Ajax turned on, these
> messages (invoked by <validation-errors/> at the top of the form do NOT
> appear. The other validation mark-up appears as expected.
> I thought that this was just our mistake, but the examples that come with
> cocoon exhibit this same behaviour (I had to add the <validation-errors/>
> in the Ajax examples to prove this.
> Is this a bug, or can the form styling xsl be changed to allow these to be
> shown??
> (We are using Cocoon v2.1.8)

This is a known issue:


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