
I'm trying to run Ant 1.6.2 from a Cocoon 2.1.7 Action.  I've added ant.jar 
and ant-launcher.jar to WEB-INF/lib.

Using org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher in a standalone test case outside 
of cocoon works fine.  It gives me a ClassCastException when I try to use the 
same code inside a cocoon action.  Nothing I have tried gets rid of this 
exception.  Adding the ant jar files to the CLASSPATH environmental variable 
doesn't help.  Defining the extra-classpath parameter in web.xml doesn't 

Using org.apache.tools.ant.Main instead in a standalone test case outside of 
cocoon works also.  It actually works from the cocoon action BUT it kills 

Any hints?

I could try to use org.apache.tools.ant.Main in a separate thread but that 
doesn't make sense because we need the logic to be synchronous.


- Pasha

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