Hello Praveen,

I had a look into the code and I don't see where it can go wrong.
The HSSFSerializer sets up the HSSFElementProcessorFactory which again sets up the ElementProcessors, of which EPStyleRegion is one. "Sets up" in this case means passing a logger to the components.

Maybe you can do some remote debugging to find out where it goes wrong? Of most interest is the AbstractElementProcessorFactory in line 180-182. Is this code executed at all? And is really a Logger instance passed or only null?


On 03.04.2006 15:15, Ellur, Praveen X. wrote:
Hello there,

I am using HSSFSerializer with out the complete Cocoon framework in my J2EE
application. It goes with out saying that I am using this to generate XLS
file out of my XML source data.
I use the following driver libraries...

-          Poi-2.5.1.jar
-          Excalibur-xmlutil-2.1
-          Avalon-framework-api-4.3
-          Cocoon-poi-block
- Avalon-logkit-2.1 - Cocoon-2.1.8

I was able to generate tabular data in the XLS spreadsheet. I wanted to add
some formatting, so I added some StyleRegion's. I get this Null Pointer
Exception when it is trying to parse the StyleRegion Information.  I looked
up the source code of StyleRegion.java and I think this is an issue with
Logger and has nothing to do with my GMR XML definition.
Here is the Source code of EPStyleRegion.java. The line which is in bold
(getLogger().debug(""....") is the line where I get this NPE.  I saw one
user reporting the same issue a couple of weeks ago but no one has replied
to it yet (http://www.mail-archive.com/users@cocoon.apache.org/msg32799.html
<http://www.mail-archive.com/users@cocoon.apache.org/msg32799.html> ). Any
help/pointers would be appreciated.

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