Hi there,

I've got a repeater with two selection lists in; staffmemeber and staffrole. 
Upon a value being changed on the staffrole or another selection list outside 
of the repeater (department) the list of staff members change. I'm using an 
on-changed-value on the staffrole repeater and that works fine but I'd also 
like to change the list if the department is updated for all the rows in the 
repeater using javascript on the department's on-changed-value event. 

I tried something like:

var staff_list = event.source.parent.lookupWidget("stafflist").getChildren();
var staff_item = null;
var staff_member = null;
var staff_role = null;
        staff_item = staff_list.next();
      staff_member = staff_item.lookupWidget("staffmember");
      staff_role = staff_item.lookupWidget("staffrole");
        //set a new staff member event

but I got stuck at the first hurdle. That is that it looks like stafflist 
doesn't actually have any children (hasNext() returns false). It certainly 
should have. If it does have children is it then possible to do the latter 
logic of getting each child and looking up the components I want to get the 
value of and change the values of? 

Is there a different or better way that I should do this?



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