I have to complete my described scenario.
In my case I call not direct clearcache.html.

In my root sitemap , all request are piped in:

<map:match pattern="**">
                           <map:aggregate element="site">
<map:part src="cocoon://content/{1}" strip-root="true"/>
<map:transform type="xalan" src="portlet-fake/stylesheets/portlet-fake2html.xsl"> <map:parameter name="contextpath" value="{request:contextPath}"/> <map:parameter name="lang" value="{../language}"/> </map:transform>

If I call ../content/clearcache.html the deadloock does not occur!
Only when the clearcach.htm ist aggregated, the deadlock will occurs on every call.

The dead WebContainer-Thread is waiting on line 188 in AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline !

best regards matthias

Hi all,

When I try to use :


<map:action name="clear-cache" logger="sitemap.action.clear-cache" src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.ClearCacheAction"/>

and ..
<map:match pattern="clearcache.html">
 <map:act type="clear-cache">
    <map:generate src="status" type="status"/>
    <map:serialize type="xml"/>


When I request the clearcache.html, I get no response from Browser.

I run cocoon 2.1.9 on IBM WebSphere 6.0.27.
After calling blocked request i can find waiting synchronize lock in 
I think it is a Bug in cocoon 2.1.9 -> in 2.18 i can not find a synchroinze 
block in AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline,
and cocoon 2.1.8 works very well.

Any Idea?

regards matthias

From - Mon

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