From: footh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:24:51 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the reply.

I was hoping for something a little bit simpler than
creating or modifying a transformer, like something
that was configurable in the sitemap.  I'll take a
look at those options though.

Another option I've thought of - according to "The auth-protect action returns - if the user is logged in for the given handler - all values from the context to the sitemap, e.g. ID, role etc. These values can be used within the other components" So you should then be able to use the ParameterSelector to choose a different pipeline for admin users with (I think)

<map:act type="auth-protect">
 <map:select type="parameter">
   <map:parameter name="parameter-selector-test" value="{role}"/>
   <map:when test="admin">
     <map:transform src="admin.xsl"/>
     <map:transform src="ordinary_user.xsl"


Every page flows through a single javaflow so I could
check for the Admin role there and control access to
pages in the admin section.  However, that would
require me to hardcode the admin directory in code
which I would hate to do.

I do pass a variable to the pages if the user is an
adminstrator so based on your suggestion, I might be
able to do something with that.  I'll give it a try.

--- Andrew Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >From: footh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:22:59 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >I've newly implemented cocoon's auth-fw and have a
> >couple of questions.
> Unfortunately, I've not used the auth framework
> much, so I can't help with
> the first one.
> >The second question has to do with roles.  I have a
> >protected area which has an admin section that only
> >users with the "admin" role can access.  Are there
> any
> >creative solutions for getting this to work with
> just
> >one auth handler?  I'd like for the user to only
> have
> >to login once (ie, not use a separate "admin
> >handler").
> RoleFilterTransformer, maybe?
> It'd be a bit tricky integrating that with the
> auth-fw, though, as it uses
> the request's isUserInRole method rather than the
> authentication context the
> auth-fw provides.  You could always create a servlet
> filter that extracts
> the auth information from the session and overrides
> isUserInRole in a
> request wrapper.  Or just use the
> RoleFilterTransformer as the basis for a
> similar transformer that uses the role information
> from the context instead
> of isUserInRole.
> Alternatively, you can use the session transformer
> to extract any role
> information from the authentication context, then
> use it in an XSL template
> to filter out other elements if the required role
> isn't in it.  See "Getting
> information from the context" in
> Hope this helps,
> Andrew.

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