On Fri, 26 May 2006 15:05:53 +0200, Friso van Vollenhoven wrote

> I can't go from the XML source 
> to XSL-FO to PDF directly, because legal issues require that the PDF 
> closely resembles the document 'as seen by the user'.

In these cases I always use XSLT --> LaTeX --> PDF instead. The
additional level of indirection enables you to overcome a lot of
problems, and LaTeX knows much more about what a printed document
is than XSL:FO does. But it does mean leaving the XML world, and
that may not be an option for some people.

> What happens is that I get an exception when I browse to either one 
> of the matchers (TestPdf or TestXhtml):
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml-special.ent:25:-1:org.xml.sax.SAXParse
> Exception: Using original entity definition for """. 

I thought rewriting the Spec's definitions of the five built-in
character entity declarations should not trigger a fatal error, 
just a warning. Saxon bitches about it, for example, but then 
goes ahead and uses your DTD's declaration, not the W3C's. I'd
say this was a bug in Crimson.

> When I remove the document type definition from the HTML, then the error
> does not occur (and I can view the HTML or PDF versions of the page 
> in a browser). But removing the DOCTYPE declaration is not an option,
>  because I need (or want) to use entity references such as   
> and the like.

Crimson appears to have a number of problems which make it unsuitable 
for accurate document work, including the failure to provide proper 
dereferencing for unparsed-entity-uri() which I mentioned a few weeks
ago. Unfortunately I don't have any information about how to replace
it with a fully-competent parser.


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