
Looking for some recommendations from those with experience...

I have been trying to set up a good method of automated testing for our webapps. One use case is regression testing... we converted a Cocoon webapp to use SQLServer on the back end instead of Oracle, and we want to find the places where the output has changed.
What can you recommend for that purpose?

I've looked at several web testing tools, mostly open-source, such as Anteater, WebInject, Morebot, GetLeft, and Grab-a-Site. OK, the last two are just site grabbers, but those can potentially make good automated regression test tools.

I'd settled on Anteater for a while. One of its strengths is the ability to fetch two URLs and compare the responses: <httpRequest href="http://localhost/mount/ethnologue-oracle/book/country-index?cocoon-view=raw";>
<contentEquals href="http://localhost/mount/ethnologue-last/book/country-index?cocoon-view=raw"/>

This compares the output of the Oracle and SQL Server versions of the webapp for a particular page.

Another strength of Anteater is the ability to present test results as nicely organized and readable html reports, with detail appropriately hidden until you ask for it. See http://aft.sourceforge.net/example_output/frames/index.html

One feature Anteater doesn't seem to provide is automated discovery of the URLs to test, e.g. by crawling the webapp. But I've been filling that hole with an XML list of URLs, and a stylesheet that generates an Anteater project file from it, creating URL pairs from the input URLs.

The place where I'm having trouble with Anteater is in the comparison of non-ASCII characters. It's been telling me that the output of the two versions differs, even though when I look at the raw XML, they seem to be exactly the same. This was driving me crazy, until I discovered that anteater also reports (every time) that the output of the Oracle version differs from the output of the Oracle version. In other words, 1 is not equal to 1. (Yes, this is a deterministic webapp.) So much for Anteater. I may report this bug, but Anteater hasn't been updated for 3 years so who knows whether it will ever be fixed. Perhaps this is an example of what Joel Spolsky complains about at http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html

On to the site grabbers. These have the advantage of automatically finding the URLs you want to test, starting from your index page. After grabbing the two webapps into two folder trees, you can then, theoretically, run a diff (using e.g. WinMerge) between them and easily spot the differences. However, our webapp is data-driven, and it has tens of thousands of possible URLs that a crawler would find. We don't want to test every one... it would take days. So we'd like to exclude a certain set of URLs, matching a wildcard pattern. But the site grabbers don't seem to support that feature. Maybe this is argument for "design the app to fit the testing tools". Which may be a worthwhile principle in this imperfect world. But it's a pain when you're trying to add testing after development is done.

So... what have you found to be successful in this area? How do you address
- coming up with a list of URLs to test (anyone tried generating a draft list directly from a Cocoon sitemap?)
 - without testing every possible datum in your huge database
- comparing the output of two URLs and pinpointing where they differ, without having to do manual search.

Thanks for your help,

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