Sjur Moshagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I would like to aggregate a dynamic list of documents following a  
> certain pattern, but I can't find a way of doing it. I have been  
> searching the user docs and the mailing lists, to no avail.
> Here's what I would like to do, in some rough pseudo-code:
> match on request parameter
>    aggregate:
>      for-each {value} in the {request parameter}
>        cocoon:{value}/file
>      end for-each
>    end aggregate
>    transform
>    serialise
> The request parameter would come from a multiple-selection list.
> Is something like this possible? If so, how?

Jeroen's solution is probably the best. Use jx or xsl to include
all the documents. But if you really want to do it in the sitemap,
I think it's possible to generate the sitemap dynamically.
Something like:

<map:match pattern="foo">
  <map:mount src="cocoon:/dynamic-sitemap.xmap"/>

<map:match pattern="dynamic-sitemap.xmap">
  <map:generate type="request"/>
  <map:transform src="dynamic-sitemap.xsl"/>

And then have the dynamic sitemap match "foo" with exactly
the right sized aggregator.

I'm not sure if this will actually work, and even if it is,
Jeroen's solution will probably be much, much easier to maintain,
but if you really want, you can always try this.


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