Angelo Immediata schrieb:
> Hi Christian.
> Maybe i'm wrong and this means nothing...but in your cocoon.log file I have 
> seen this:
> WARN  (2006-06-27) 20:02.21:640 [sitemap.transformer.xslt] 
> (/cocoon/samples/blocks/portal/portal) 
> http-8080-Processor24/TraxErrorListener: 
> file:/D:/_authoring/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/webapps/cocoon/samples/blocks/portal/coplets/spmt/stylesheets/aggregate-transform.xsl:7:40
> Maybe this can cause your problem....but i'm not sure :-)
> Bye,
> Angelo

Hi Angelo,

I noticed that, too. But the pipeline matcher in which this transformer
is called processes correctly. The problems I have occur in another
sitemap. It seems it has something to do with the form-binding.

thanks a lot anyway :)

regards, christian

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