Thanks for the link.
It seems VTD-XML is very fast. Have you tried to integrate it to Cocoon 2.1 ?
Does it support namespace ?

2006/7/5, Jimmy Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
----- Original Message -----
From: Cocoon Man
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 1:20 AM
Subject: Looking for SAX parsers benchmark

I looked a little on the net for some SAX parsers benchmark but didn't find a very recent one.
According to you, what is the best Java SAX parser for the following type of XML document :
  1. documents include several namespaces
  2. documents do not need to be validated against some DTD or XML Schema
  3. no external entities need to be resolved
  4. documents are not very big (less than 200 kb)
Any opinion ?

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