Gavin Carothers schrieb:
> Yes, oddly enough I have used both.
> ... now... compare them...
> WebObjects: hasn't been updated in 4 years or so, and has anemic XML  
> support, but has excellent tools for doing MVC style applications.  
> There is honestly nothing like Direct To Web and the rules framework  
> in any modern web application framework java or otherwise. Rails  
> pretends to be able to do what DTW does, Zope likely can do most of  
> what Direct To Web can but the learning curve there is... cliff like.  
> Also, EO while nice and reasonably easy to get started with isn't  
> nearly as flexible as hibernate or OJB. WebObjects, even in 5.X,  
> still shows a great deal of it's Objective-C roots. NSXML!? Come on,  
> this is 2006.
> Cocoon: has been updated, is open source. Lives breaths and churns  
> XML. However no direct integration with any model framework.  
> Flowscript or Javaflow is a dramatic departure from the widget and  
> page based model that webobjects and most older web frameworks use.  
> As mentioned before, there isn't anything like Direct To Web. The  
> template block acts something like .wo's do, but since all of the  
> flow, URI space and bizlogic is _really_ separated in cocoon there  
> isn't a good way to compare how they both work.
> In short Cocoon is modern, and doesn't have much in the way of tools  
> and WebObjects is honestly ancient but has some awesome tools (So  
> long as your running Mac OS X and don't mind XCode for Java... unless  
> wo-lips has gotten a great deal better).
> If you want more, feel free to follow up off list as I'm not sure how  
> much use this is to the rest of the community.
I worked several years with WebObjects before I was "forced" to use
Cocoon (by switching my employee) :)
I think the comparison above summarizes it very good. I personally still
think that WO is one of the best web frameworks, but if it isn't really
maintained I would rather not use it. The tools are great, Objective-C
is imho a far better language than Java and EOF and DTW are fantastic.
But the learning curve imho is even higher than learning Cocoon as there
are so many classes and libs.
The way of modelling the flow through your application is imho nicer as
in Cocoon with FlowScript.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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