
We are getting OutOfMemoryError
16:26:41,011 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
in our production server (which has 4GB of RAM, javaVM - max 2GB)
every other day. All applications stop responding.
We have a bunch of Cocoon applications [mostly 2.0.4] running on JBoss3.0.7.
It is totally unclear which application is causing the problem.

I don't remember that problem happening in our Development or Testing environment
(where max JavaVM=512MB), but I guess it has a much lighter load.

Is there any known memory problem with Cocoon ?

Is there a way to do memory profiling of Cocoon Apps ? Any particular tool ?
(I have done memory profiling of Java applets with JProbe years ago)
Any advice is very appreciated.

Thank you in advance,